Kids Martial Arts Program


Help Your Child Build Character And Stay Street-Ready With Our Kids Martial Arts Classes

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For the Parents

At Crosley Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, we are committed to applying the most effective and appropriate disciplinary methods in all our Youth Programs, fostering excellence in a serious, yet gentle and sociable manner.

We emphasize to our students that maintaining strong relationships with teammates and adhering to the established disciplinary rules are essential in preparing them to achieve their goals, both in class and in life.

Within our Academy, students will develop the technical proficiency needed to progress through the ranks and to confidently handle real-world situations. They will grow up without fear, whether at school, in their neighborhood, or anywhere else, assured of their ability to protect themselves against potential threats.

Ultimately, we aim to help students mature into adults who are both physically and morally equipped to face life's challenges and contribute positively to society. However, it is important to note that while we provide a structured environment conducive to growth, we respect that the primary responsibility for discipline lies with parents.

At Crosley Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, we offer fertile ground for learning and development, but success depends on each child's willingness to embrace the lessons and values taught here.

Lastly, we would like to inform parents that students who fail to adhere to disciplinary rules will be temporarily removed from class, not as a punishment, but as an opportunity for personal reflection. In cases of repeated misconduct, the student may be dismissed from class for the day, and parents will be contacted to arrange for early pick-up.

Thank you for entrusting your child to the care of our Self-Defense Academy.

enroll your child at our academy and help prevent future consequences of an intimidated youth


Our Approach With Kids With ADD/ADHD

Studies have shown that individuals with learning differences, such as ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), can experience significant cognitive benefits when engaging in physical and mental disciplines like martial arts. This practice helps the brain develop new neural pathways and enhances the efficiency of existing ones. As a result, many individuals are able to reduce or even eliminate their need for medication over time.

In our classes, repetition is a core principle. Every activity, from warm-ups to self-defense drills, is designed to improve focus, sharpen reflexes, and build instinctive reactions. Below are some of the methods we use to ensure that children with ADD/ADHD benefit from our classes just as much as those without learning differences:

  • Paired Training: We pair students with partners of similar size, utilizing timed rounds of 2, 3, 4, or 5 minutes based on the complexity of the task. This keeps the sessions engaging and challenging, allowing the children to focus and improve without feeling overwhelmed or distracted.

  • Consistency in Class Rules: Our students follow a strict set of rules, from bowing when entering and leaving the training area to asking permission for water breaks or to use the restroom. This consistency fosters discipline and helps students with ADHD adapt to structure, ultimately promoting focus and cooperation.

  • Adaptive Teaching Methods: With our instructors' vast experience in martial arts, we tailor our teaching techniques to accommodate different learning styles. This allows us to effectively engage students with learning disabilities, helping them maximize their potential.

  • Game-Based Learning: To keep the experience fun and engaging, we often transform technique drills into age-appropriate "games." While the children think they are playing, they are actually reinforcing their skills creatively and dynamically.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Our classes emphasize discipline, but we also celebrate progress. Complimenting students when they perform well is a key part of our approach, as praise can be a powerful motivator. We make it a point to recognize each student's achievements, encouraging them to continue striving for improvement.

By creating an environment that is both structured and supportive, we ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive. You’re doing a fantastic job by seeking the best for your child, and we are excited to be part of their journey!

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Our Youth Jiu-Jitsu Program is structured to provide students with clear guidelines regarding the number of classes required for earning stripes and achieving belt promotions. We understand that improvements in skill, attitude, and character take time, and all of our success stories have been the result of sustained effort rather than overnight achievements.

Martial arts training represents a commitment not only to the instructor but also to fellow students and their parents. Therefore, all of our programs require a 12-month commitment, allowing students ample time to acclimate to the learning environment, master the curriculum, and fully benefit from the advantages that martial arts instruction provides.

While all five Kids Jiu-Jitsu Programs focus on enhancing students' concentration, discipline, and respect, we also tailor our classes to emphasize additional attributes based on the specific age group.

The program is divided into five distinct age groups:

  • 4-6 All levels (Mon/Wed/Fri at 4:00 pm) *Full. Please call to get waitlist info.
  • 6-8 All levels (Tue/Thurs/Fri at 4:00 pm) *Full. Please call to get waitlist info.
  • 8-11 Beginners (Mon/Wed/Fri at 5:00 pm) *Full. Please call to get waitlist info.
  • Black Belt Club-8-11 Advanced (Mon/Wed/Fri at 6:00 pm) *Invite only.
  • 12-14 All levels (Tue/Thur at 5:00 pm, and Sat at 10:00 am) *Full. Please call to get waitlist info.
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4-6-Year-Olds (all levels)

This class serves as a foundational preparation for our older age groups, with a primary emphasis on developing listening, and obedience skills. In essence, we focus on teaching students how to learn effectively. Physical drills are designed to enhance their hand-eye coordination and promote collaborative skills when working with training partners.

Mat guidelines are strictly enforced at all times, fostering an environment of discipline and respect that often shows improvement within the first week.

Throughout this program, students are introduced to fundamental standing self-defense techniques as well as basic grappling skills on the ground.

6-8-Year-Olds (All levels)

In this class, we accommodate a blend of both beginner and advanced students, with many participants having trained for two years or more. Our focus shifts primarily to the execution of techniques, as students at this age are generally less prone to disruptive behavior.

We recognize that children adapt their performance to their environment. Given our structured and disciplined program, even those who may not be accustomed to sitting quietly and listening tend to adjust quickly to this new setting.

Additionally, children are sensitive to the atmosphere around them, which can influence their behavior. Therefore, we take great care in properly pairing students during each class. We are adept at identifying compatible personalities, and ensuring that students work well together during warm-ups, drills, and sparring sessions.


8-11-Year-Olds (Beginners)

In this age group, classes emphasize basic and intermediate techniques and higher-level skill execution. Warm-up sessions are more rigorous, and designed to enhance both strength and overall conditioning. Throughout their training, students cultivate important values such as perseverance, humility, teamwork, and the ability to manage both success and disappointment.

Live training sessions are integrated into every class following the completion of the initial 12-Week Intro Program. This training methodology enhances students' confidence and self-esteem, as they are required to apply their techniques against resisting partners who actively counter their moves.

While competition is entirely optional, many students in this age group aspire to compete, and we provide tailored training to support their goals.

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Advanced 8-11-Year-Olds (Black Belt Club)

No, the students here aren't Black Belts, and admission is strictly by invitation from our Black Belt Instructors. These students demonstrate the discipline, focus, and dedication typically associated with adult practitioners. The class consists of students aged 6 to 11, weighing between 55 to 100 pounds, who have a minimum of two years of training, with some having up to six years, and consistently exhibit an attendance rate well above average when compared with the other four Youth Jiu-Jitsu Programs.

Members of the Black Belt Club frequently compete in local tournaments and have participated in multiple competitions. Behavioral issues are nonexistent among these students, as adherence to established behavioral standards, besides above-average attendance, is the primary criterion for entry into this class.

Given their advanced technical and athletic skills, the pace of this class—including warm-ups, drills, and live training—is the most rigorous of all our Kids' Martial Arts Programs.


12-14-Year-Olds (All levels)

This class serves as preparation for entry into the Adult Program, which commences at age 15. Many students in this group have been training for more than half their lives. Consistent with the previous age group, warm-up sessions are designed to enhance their athleticism, enabling them to excel in higher levels of competition and serving as an excellent cross-training activity to improve performance in other sports.

Bullying and the Rules of Engagement are frequently emphasized in this program, along with strategies and techniques to address this escalating social issue in schools today. Techniques are taught in greater detail and drilled intensively, with resistance training incorporated into each class. Additionally, Jiu-Jitsu and Wrestling competition is a preferred focus for many students in this age group.


We recognize the distinction between training for competition and the self-defense aspects of Jiu-Jitsu. While competition is neither mandatory nor expected of students, many find it enjoyable as a means of testing their skills and abilities.

With our competitive background, we actively encourage and support any student who wishes to participate in competitions. Tournaments are held throughout California, and our youth team has established a reputation as one of the most formidable teams in the state. We emphasize thorough preparation for competition; while participation in tournaments is optional, we require complete dedication and focus during the training camp from those who choose to compete.

Students are eligible to compete if they meet the following criteria:

  • Consistent training for a minimum of 12 months
  • Diligent practice in class, as assessed at the Instructor's discretion
  • Exemplary behavior in practice, school, and home environments
  • Exemplary report cards

Students are responsible for their own entry fees and any additional costs associated with an increased training schedule, such as private lessons and extra training sessions. Typically, tournaments are structured with matches divided by belt rank, age, and weight class, following a single-elimination format.



A student’s rank is determined by their knowledge, physical skills, training duration, attitude, and overall quality of movement and understanding. While achieving any rank is a noteworthy accomplishment, it is essential to focus on the training process itself. By developing skills, maintaining a positive attitude, and dedicating oneself to practice, advancement will naturally follow.

Individual lessons are available for students who wish to accelerate their progress or delve deeper into specific areas of study. We highly recommend private lessons for all students, as they provide valuable one-on-one time with an instructor. Each belt is accompanied by four stripes.

Upon earning four stripes and completing all classes associated with that stripe, the student becomes eligible for a higher belt rank during the subsequent Belt Ceremony. The time a student spends at each rank can vary based on several factors, including:

  • Attendance
  • Discipline
  • Attitude
  • Overall behavior

Assuming a student trains at the recommended frequency of at least two classes per week, stripes will typically be earned every 8 to 10 weeks, or 12 to 14 weeks depending on their age. The learning process involves three stages: first, focusing on proper mechanics; second, refining the smoothness of movement; and third, adding speed and power to the technique.

As students progress to advanced levels, there will be a greater emphasis on detail, precision, and a deeper understanding of technique application. A proficient technician should be able to apply a technique effectively against a resisting opponent weighing at least 30% more than themselves. As students advance, expectations for their performance will increase.

The official Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt ranks are as follows: White, Gray, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue (for individuals over 16), Purple, Brown, and Black Belt.

CLICK HERE for the official IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) graduation system.



All student promotions are conducted in accordance with the guidelines established by Crosley Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Consideration for promotion is granted when a student:

  • Demonstrates proficiency in the required material
  • Exhibits the appropriate attitude and behavior
  • Maintains acceptable academic performance (for youth students)
  • Attends classes consistently
  • Arrives on time for class

In martial arts, rank progression is always earned and is not guaranteed.

Before each Belt Ceremony, students scheduled for promotion will receive a Notice of Intent to Promote Form. This form is designed to confirm that the student is excelling not only in their Jiu-Jitsu classes but also at home and in school. Completion of the form requires input from both the parents and the homeroom teacher.

If a student does not meet the expectations set by their parents and teachers, the belt promotion will be postponed until a later date. Belt ceremonies take place biannually, in the summer and winter, before the New Year.

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