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Newest Kids Black Belt Club Invitee: Laney Waters!

Congratulations to the newest Kids Black Belt Club member, Laney Waters!

8-year-old Laney joined our program in August of 2021. She has been consistent, coachable, a hard worker, and an excellent teammate. Laney enters the Academy with a huge smile regardless of the kind of day she is having and politely suggests to the Instructor different warm-up options or game options for the day. 😁

Often times, she can be found drilling techniques with a teammate before class time. She is always encouraging others around her. Laney is an active listener who we can count on to always be on task.

In January 2022, Laney injured her ankle at Rockin' Jump. Not able to participate in classes due to her injury, she still showed up, dressed in her Gi, and observed the classes for six weeks. DEDICATION!πŸ‘πŸΌ

In November of 2022, Laney competed in the U.S. Open Jiu-Jitsu championship. The week leading up to the tournament, she became sick and could not train. Feeling a little better the day of the competition, her parents gave her a choice to participate in the tournament. Laney made the choice to compete! GRIT! πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

During our Winter Belt Ceremony in December of 2022, Laney earned her first Jiu-Jitsu belt, the Yellow/White.πŸŽ‰

Laney has developed so much skill and toughness on her Jiu-Jitsu journey. She will continue to bring others up with her. Her positivity and grittiness are contagious! And now she'll continue to evolve with more intense warm-ups, drills, and live training in the KBB Club! πŸ˜ƒ

Well done, Ma'am - we are proud of your hard work and dedication! Keep it up!πŸ’ͺ🏼