
Congrats, Lucy watson! November 2023's Student of the Month!

Congratulations, Lucy Watson! November 2023's Student of the Month!

11-year-old Lucy is cool, calm, and focused! She has been training for just under two years after patiently waiting for six months on the waitlist.

Consistent from the start, she drills purposefully and always encourages her teammates. Her skill is accelerating rapidly, earning her the rank of yellow belt at our Summer Belt Ceremony in June. That same day, she was invited to the Kids Black Belt Club, where she continues to thrive!

Lucy has participated in our Summer Camp for the last two years. In both years, she did multiple MMA sparring rounds in the ring with calm alertness and executed her techniques with precision.

She stayed calm in the fray, utilizing some of the SUPER POWERS of Jiu-Jitsu: performing under pressure and solving problems under stress as they presented themselves in each match.

Lucy has been a great role model for her younger sister Penelope, who joined her for this year's Summer Camp. Penelope had been waiting for a spot to join the year-round training since March and is now two months into the training in our 8-11-year-olds' program. She's approaching the training with the same tenacity as Lucy! Good job, big sis! LEADERSHIP.

Great job, Lucy! We are proud of your hard work and commitment!