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Congrats, Jayden Parks, May 2023's Student of the Month!

12-year-old Jayden started his Jiu-Jitsu journey six years ago. Jayden is a kind-hearted young man, easygoing, soft-spoken, and patient. He has a good sense of humor, is a math Wizard, and has shown tremendous grit and dedication along his journey.

Jayden has always been a good teammate, hard worker, and his focus has improved immensely over the years. He always enters the mat with a smile and radiates kindness.

During the lockdown in 2020, Jayden stayed tethered to Jiu-Jitsu by participating in our online Zoom classes. He would practice with his younger sister and patiently wait for her as she ran around the room and randomly attacked him! DEDICATION.

In June 2021, Jayden was invited to the Kids Black Belt Club. After joining this elite group, Jayden increased his focus and intensity and developed stronger bonds with his teammates. He and Barron Saeparn enter the zone when partnered together during class. They drill at a fast pace, with perfection, while giving each other feedback.

With Jayden’s high-intensity drilling, he is now reaching a higher skill level; his technique is becoming instinctual and dynamic. He’s now a problem for all his teammates during matches and anyone who tries to take his lunch.

Great job, Jayden! We are proud of your hard work and commitment!